Manual Therapy intervention is not simply limited to static stretching or massage at Revive Physical Therapy & Wellness. Rather, Revive employs what is known as Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy which is defined by IFOMPT (The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists) as follows:
“Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy is a specialised area of physiotherapy / physical therapy for the management of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, based on clinical reasoning, using highly specific treatment approaches including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises. Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy also encompasses, and is driven by, the available scientific and clinical evidence and the biopsychosocial framework of each individual patient.”
The benefits of seeking Manual Therapy at Revive are profound and include:
The Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship training incurred by certain members of our staff includes 2.5 years of post-doctorate classroom education over 18+ course weekends, with an additional 450 hours of direct patient care under guided mentorship. It is of the most rigorous Fellowship programs in the world and ensures only the highest quality care is utilized at Revive.
Our comprehensive hands-on approach incorporates a bevy of interventional manual treatments including: